Dr. med. Theresia Altrock

About the advantage of ear acupuncture against body acupuncture

A lecture hold at the acupuncture college, Brisbane (Austalia), Febr. 17Th, 1984

Since Dr. med Nogier in Lyon (France) first drew attention to the correspondence between specific sites at the ear and other parts of the body, the greatest interest in ear acupunture startes. A search for new loci began, especially in Europe and in China. So ear acupuncture became a very effective treatment with high regard.

Ear acupuncture is profitable for practioners in diagnostics as well as in therapy.

1. Diagnosis

The ear acupunture points can be found very exactly by the method of pulse touching after Dr. Paul Nogier (VAS = vascular autonome signal or RAC = )

This method needs a lot of exercise and experience. Therefore beginners first find the ear points with electric parameters. This means differnces of the electric potential of the pathologic points with help of the puncoscope or or the 3V mallet.

There are many problems with the chinese puls touching.:
1. The number of pulses at different places,
2. the differnce in relation to the circles of function and the and the spots where the pulse is sensed.
3. the differnces in the recomended continuance of pulse touching
4. the differncees in the statement of utililsation of the puls results.

However, the pulse touching after Nogier is only directed at dynamic variations, which are easier to registrate than static conditions of the Chinese method.

Another quite substantial point of diagnostic advantage with ear acupuncture is the direct reference between the ear points and the ill parts of the body or of the organs (= somatotopie of the localisations at the ear)

The possibilities of application of Nogier pulse touching in ear acupuncture, body acupuncture, brain acupuncture are as wide as in other medical fields: Neural therapy, homeopathy, physical therapy. Veterinary, dental medicine, testing medications.

2. Therapy

a) The special ear innervation
Short ways of reflexes from the ear to formatio reticularis, passing just a few synapses!

b) Ear acupunture is more effective in treating pain and for anaesthesis

c) Better effects with functional diseases, e.g.
asthma, bronchitis or other diseases of the respirational tract.

© Theresia Altrock at www.theresia-altrock.de